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“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”


-Thomas Edison

For questions or to schedule a coaching session please contact Linda directly at:


Nutritional Coaching


 If you found your way to my page, it may be safe assume that either you or someone close to you has been suspected of or already diagnosed with food allergies. Maybe you're someone who is interested in learning more about detoxification. Or perhaps you're looking for a cleaner more plant based or vegan way of eating.


You may be feeling panicky, concerned about what foods may be safe to eat. You may be feeling isolated, and wanting to get your hands on information as quickly as possible when it comes to knowing how to prepare family-friendly, wholesome meals; how to navigate social situations at family gatherings, birthday parties, restaurants, your child's school, leaving instructions for baby-sitters, and more. 


I am here to reassure you that you can have multiple food allergies, or a more plant based way of eating and still enjoy delicious meals with plenty of variety. In time, you will learn how to do your own recipe revisions, after you've had some practice.


Food Allergens

Research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that food allergies in children have increased approximately 50 percent between 1997 and 2011, now affecting 1 in 13 children in the United States. This translates to roughly two students in every classroom.


While no one can say for sure why allergy rates are increasing, researchers around the world are working hard to find ways to combat this phenomenon. Factors may include pollution, dietary changes and less exposure to microbes, which can change how our immune systems respond.

More than 170 foods have been identified as allergenic, but the eight major allergens that are responsible for around 90% of severe reactions are milk, egg, peanut, tree nut, wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish. In total, food allergies cause about 300,000 ambulatory-care visits a year, just among children under age 18. There is no cure for food allergies. Strict avoidance of the food allergen is the only way to prevent a reaction. However, because it is not always easy or possible to avoid certain foods, staff in schools, and early care and education programs should develop plans for preventing an allergic reaction and responding to a food allergy emergency, including anaphylaxis. Early and quick recognition and treatment can prevent serious health problems or death.



If you develop a sore or itchy throat, vomiting, diarrhea, hives or have trouble breathing, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath within 30 to 60 minutes of eating, it could be a food allergy. Rashes, including stomach rashes, can be caused by an allergic reaction to food -OR- also possibly from medications, or products such as lotions or detergents. These reactions can range from mild to potentially life-threatening, especially if swelling and constriction of breathing occurs, which could indicate anaphylaxis. Some people may develop a stuffy, runny nose. sneezing and itchy, watery eyes.


Hopefully, your physician has already shared the basics with you, which includes: label reading, avoiding cross contamination at home, eating at restaurants that have allergy awareness, having an action plan in case of accidental exposure, wearing a medical ID bracelet and always carrying your Epi-pen.


Many people that I have met struggle with how to safely prepare food at home. You want to have nutritious meals that are satisfying to the whole family. I have 10 years' experience within my own family, who have 6 out of the 8 top allergens.  I can assure you that it is doable.  


Bowl of salad
Plant based diet

There’s much empirical evidence about plant’s chemical structures, to safely say whole foods, plant-based nutrition enhances the immune system and supports the liver and kidneys with no toxicity and imparts a high amount of nutrition. If you have any concerns, please check with your health provider before trying this lifestyle. A whole foods, plant-based diet has shown to help people go into remission from autoimmune diseases, cancer, bowel and immunity issues. Many studies have shown that a plant-based diet is a way of practicing preventative medicine and contributes to longevity.


Detox spas and treatments are a wonderful, cleansing and relaxing thing but if you are using them as a substitute for a balanced diet, exercise and lots of water then that is unhealthy and unsustainable. In general, this is about giving your body a rest from the tons of processed, fatty, salty, sugary, toxin filled foods that we consume every day. It can be as minimal as giving up soda or alcohol, to having a salad for your lunch instead of a chocolate granola bar that's loaded with sugar. Unfortunately, eating one healthy meal filled with these foods after a particularly unhealthy meal is not the answer; however, eating a variety of these foods every day is. The purpose is to restore energy, lose weight, and relieve symptoms of chronic conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia by adopting a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods and antioxidants. Detox is not to be rushed, and is something to be planned for. There are multiple ways that this can be done, depending on your personal goals. 


Having a coach is all about motivation, accountability and support to discover what isn’t in your awareness (in coaching we call these blind spots.) Blind spots are what stand in our way of taking our health and life to a higher level. We can’t see the picture when we’re in the frame.

A great coach helps you see the whole picture and develop a clear action plan to achieve and discover what you really want and the clear steps to how to get it. I practice a holistic approach to life and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected.  It's rare for anyone to get an hour to explore their wellness goals with a trained professional.

On every coaching call, we get specific as to the actions you must take to move your life forward.

Your sessions are broken down into 3 main areas:

Health Coaching

 1. Accountability - Are you doing the things you know you need to be doing to move toward the health and life you desire. If not, why? What's really going on? Are you conflicted, unsure, uncertain, stuck in your head? People often know what to do they just don’t do what they know… I believe all the answers are inside of you… you may just need someone to help you pull them out and to kick your butt if you’re not doing it.


2. Performance - Whether it's your sleep, fitness level, nutrition, relationship, stress level, job or career or any other area of your life that you want to improve...together we'll take an in-depth look at it. Together we’ll create a clear compelling vision for that goal, and then model the best of the best to create the action steps that will move this area of your life forward and thus improve your health and performance.


3. Emotion, Meaning and Purpose - Health and wellness are so much more than physical activity and nutrition. It’s about nurturing a balance between the physical, emotional, social, occupational, intellectual and spiritual aspects of life. Because I am trained to use a multifaceted approach to ignite change, where you are able to find and maintain a reasonable balance in your day-to-day lives. You learn to prioritize your needs in order to live a healthier life, whether that’s by improving sleep, reducing stress, practicing self-care, cultivating relationships or balancing nutrition and activity.  You can count on my encouragement to continuously invest in your own greatest asset—your health! 


While I cannot diagnose or treat disease, I offer supportive therapy. I conduct an initial assessment that involves taking a thorough medical history and evaluating your medications, including those sold over the counter as well as supplements. I will inquire about current and past food habits; lifestyle patterns involving food, work, and play; the emotional component of your relationship with food (whether it’s “eat to live” or “live to eat”); ask about your support systems and family dynamics; and whether you have any food or medication allergies. I always consider using evidence-based treatments, vitamin and mineral supplements, the anti-inflammatory diet, and herbs.

Together we will:

  • Connect the dots between who you are and who you want to be 

  • Create your personal blueprint

  • Decipher your body’s unique needs

  • Set your personal goals and work towards sustainable change




  • Initial Consultation: I will spend a few hours going over everything you send me. About 1 week later we will meet and spend the first 30 minutes with any additional questions I may have; total time for session is 90 minutes. 

  • One on One coaching (in person, or via zoom)

  • Meal plan 

  • Workout recommendations

  • Recipes

  • Email support between sessions

  • Weekly check-ins (via text or email)


$95 EACH OR 4 FOR $375


Customized Personal Menu – $175


​This is a plan with you – your needs, goals, and lifestyle used as the starting point to create a truly custom plan. 

I have experience in:


  • Gluten-Free

  • Dairy-Free

  • Non-GMO Foods

  • Sugar

  • Clean Eating

  • Grain-Free

  • Egg Free

  • Soy Free

  • Vegan 

  • 7 day menu plan with Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Desserts and Snacks.

  • Meal tips and suggestions

  • Recipes

  • Grocery shopping list



Cleaning out your pantry and fridge can be a great opportunity to get the whole family involved and make it a truly educational experience.

Preparing healthy foods requires a pantry stocked with healthy options. Maintaining a pantry can be time-consuming and difficult.  Perhaps you’re unsure of which ingredients are better for you and which you will actually use. 

 Here you learn how to stock  your pantry to eliminate processed foods, understand ingredient labels and learn about healthy alternatives to some of your favorite junk foods. I know it is a little overwhelming at first to change your eating habits (I know because I’ve been there! I haven’t always eaten  healthy), especially if you’ve recently discovered you or a family member have a food allergy. We’ll work together step by step and I’ll guide you to a new world of natural foods made easy.


 I can help you learn to adjust, read food labels, and find product replacements. Together we will give your pantry

and fridge a complete makeover by efficiently identifying undesirable items that are holding you back from reaching your optimal health and wellness. Whether you are trying to transition to a 100% real foods household, going gluten free, or navigating a newly diagnosed food intolerance or allergy, this service is designed to remove the guesswork.  


A big part of being healthy is being organized, since it’s much easier to eat well when there are only good choices in front of you. Your kitchen and pantry staples should encourage a healthy diet, especially when you’re too busy to shop for fresh food. Decluttering the fridge, freezer and pantry might take a few hours, but the long-term health benefits are well worth it.


And, when it comes to changing your diet, your food environment is a great place to start. What and how you eat often comes down to habit and environment. As simple as it sounds, if you change your food environment, your habits will shift and your intake will change. Think about it — if chips and cookies are around you’re more likely to eat them. If you have fresh fruit, nut butter, and yogurt in your fridge you’ve already increased your chance of eating well.


  • * A 4 hour at-home consult where I’ll learn about you and your household needs, including dietary preferences, food allergies, schedule, and lifestyle. 

  • * Assistance with online ordering for convenience and a well-stocked kitchen; setting up subscriptions for recurring delivery where applicable.

  • * 5 personalized recipes for quick, easy, and nutritious weeknight dinners you and your family will love. 

  • How to Read a Nutrition Label

  • Top Controversial Ingredients to Avoid & Why

  • Clean up and de clutter your pantry and transform it into a well-stocked natural foods oasis

  • Recipe Makeovers suggestions to makeover your favorite family recipes for flavor and good health

  • Educational Topic of Your Choice



Investment: $594


An additional fee may apply for those clients outside a 25-mile radius from Mechanicsburg


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