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We’re delighted to have you with us! As a family-owned business, our mission is to help you feel better—whether that means reducing pain or enhancing your beauty. Our goal is to ensure you leave feeling confident and empowered.

As bodyworkers, we provide the support your body needs to heal itself. By addressing the three “T’s”—toxins, trauma, and tension—and restoring balance, we aim to help you achieve a state of equilibrium, tranquility, and inner peace.

Regular bodywork and skincare are essential for deep cellular healing, integrating injuries, and promoting overall wellness. We respect the role of hands-on healing in nurturing not just the body but also the mind and spirit. Integrity and professionalism are core to our practice, and we value your privacy, time, and trust. We ask for the same in return.

Our holistic approach ensures that we educate and support you throughout your wellness journey. We’re committed to working together as a team to provide the best possible care.

Thank you for choosing us to serve you and our community. We appreciate your trust in our hands.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Aesthetician
& Skin Magician



Greetings beautiful! I have been a practicing master aesthetician for 2 decades and I am obsessed with what I do. I grew up an artist dabbling in all forms of art media, yet none of them are as rewarding to me as skincare. The best part of my job is empowering people to look and feel their best, and helping people become a literal work of art! I eat, breathe and sleep beauty and I am always keeping abreast of the latest trends and technology available. I am trained in many advanced forms of skincare and am a skilled makeup artist.


I consider myself an anti-aging expert & skin magician. Though my knowledge of wound healing and utilization of some of the TOP skincare brands on the market I help clients literlly turn back the hands of time. Also as a human that has struggled with some of my own chronic skin conditions; stage 4 acne, melasma & loose skin, I bring a lot of compasion and understanding to my clients personal struggles and inner longings for beautiful clear healthy skin 

I also bring my love of healthy food into the mix with a certificate in nutritional food handling from CPAVTS. I understand the important role nutrition and detox play in skin health and wellness and pride myself. in working with skin issues like severe acne and eczema - both of which can stem from inflammatory foods. I have an extremely diverse skincare background from living in the DC area for over 6 years and have worked with multiple skin ethnicities, and specialize in a myriad of skin concerns ranging from acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and anti-aging.


I practice highly customized skincare, as each of our skin types is different and unique. Each of my procedures always begin with a thorough skincare assessment to examine what your skin needs right now, as skin needs can change as the seasons change and you may need different treatments at different times throughout the year. You won’t find any cookie-clutter facials here! I personlly design and curate all my protocals to optomize the BEST possible results for each clients goals. 


To tie all my education together, I attended and graduated from the VITA school of tantric arts ( 2017-2019) where I spent over 600 hours immersed in various tantric practices. These practices helped me to release trauma, be more present in my body, and be more peaceful in my mind by creating a framework that unlocks the unconscious/ subconscious mind. Tantric practices are based on the principle that the duality (the separation, of spirit and matter) is simply an illusion, which causes pain and suffering. The goal when becoming tantric is the transcending the perceived state of separation into union with the divine. To me this means uncovering all that which brings us pain or suffering, feeling it, transmuting it, and then allowing our full authentic self to shine through regardless of fear, shattering all the false masks we wear, ending the war of duality that exists within all of us. Tantra also teaches us to live in the present  moment though the awareness of a 5 sense reality ( as can be experienced during my tantra facial)


I bring the culmiation of all this knowledge, along with my reiki masters certification to cultivate deep transformational healing of the body- mind & soul- when I hold space for ALL my clients, so they may feel free to be the fullest expression of themselves at all times. When my clients say that I feel safe and nurturing, these practices are truly the reason why.


 I am able to hold space for all that you are because I am able to understand and hold space for all that I am. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me, I’m so excited to meet you, and to help you feel relaxed, confident, and like a literal work of art in your unique beautiful skin!

Peace and Namaste


Greetings client! I have been a massage therapist for almost 10 years now. I love what I do and have been offering my family and friends back massages long before even getting my license. I specialize in therapeutic massage and have my developed my own unique techniques over the years that combines myofacial, trigger point, and isolated stretching along with deep tissue work or relaxation depending on the clients needs at the time. I also have training in cranial sacral, cupping, and structural integration.


My passion is helping those with chronic or acute pain. I have assisted multiple people over the years with frozen shoulder, helping them to avoid surgery, and helped may others with rehabilitation after surgery. I have worked closely with many of my clients personal chiropractors and physical therapists to help establish protocols for faster recovery, and also have relationships with specific chiropractors that I can also refer out to if necessary for new clients. 


While being a male in the field of massage can sometimes have its ups and downs, I bring a extreme amount of professionalism to what I do, and as someone diagnosed with a chromic immune disorder himself, I also bring a lot of compassion to those suffering with chronic pain, or immune disfunction.


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me, I’m looking forward to working with you in the future, and to help reduce pain and improve your quality of life. ​

Alexa McWilliams LE


Erick Ball LMT
Medical Massage Therapist

Hello you beautiful Human! I'm Alexa, a jack of all trades with experience in hair, skin, nails, makeup, photography, and fashion, yes fashion!


I've been in aesthetics for 3 years now and would not change it for the world. Nothing makes me feel more fulfilled than to bring confidence and joy to people through the power of aesthetics. I am a Dermalogica Skincare Expert and have a certification in lash lift and tinting through YUMILash. Aesthetics is more than just skincare to me, its about creating & cultivating a safe everlasting experience.

Prior to my aesthetics career, I earned a BFA in Photography and a minor in Fiber and textile design while living in Philadelphia. My first job out of college was working for a local fashion designer doing pattern development, fabric sourcing, selling garments in the showroom, and doing makeup for our online advertisements. Throughout my experience, the greatest joy came from working on set with models and getting to be creative and watch people light up as I graced them with my talents. That experience pushed me to go back to school. Fast forward, I'm finally doing what l'm supposed to. I live without regrets and continue to push myself and my education to be the best at my job so that I can bring the best to my clients.

When I'm not in the treatment room, I'm at home with the dog, cooking up a new recipe, watching documentaries on historical events, painting, making clay earrings, or dancing to jazz music. I love music, art, film, antiques, and collecting ceramic mugs.

I believe we end up where we need to be and I am grateful to be a part of this family here at Insight. I look forward to meeting those in need of guidance with their skincare, confidence, and journey through selfcare.


Come, relax, and let your skin be free!


Nurse Linda

Meet Nurse Linda! Our resident health and wellness coach. She specializes in personalized meal plans, multiple food allergy coaching, supplementation, and cooking classes. Please check out her packages, she currently offers 3 different types of personalized coaching depending on your needs.


Who am I? I am someone who knew at age 5 that I wanted to be a nurse, and who over the years has been drawn to multiple healing arts. I am a nurse who continues to actively practice her profession. I have over 42 years of hospital and clinic-based nursing experience in a variety of specialties, including: dialysis, cytoscopy and kidney disorders, endoscopy and GI disorders, radiation oncology and cancer care/hospice care, pain management, kidney transplant, wound care and reconstructive plastic surgery.  I am by no means an expert in these areas, but I can speak to what the ramifications and challenges are as I’ve watched my patients struggle with chronic health issues or been faced with life altering changes, which has given me much compassion and empathy. I myself have been a patient in the western health care system numerous times and can speak to the frustration of red tape and impersonal care: I have lived with chronic pain, tried different diets, and struggled with weight loss. I’ve had my bruises and come back with new energy, new convictions, new goals and dreams.


Throughout my life, I have been interested in a wide variety of what is termed alternative therapies. I have been a part time practicing massage therapist, reflexologist, hypnotherapist and reiki practitioner over the years, and have personally benefited from receiving chiropractic care, personal counseling, hypnosis, acupuncture, reiki, massage and reflexology treatments myself over the past 30 years and can speak about their benefits to my clients both as a client and a practitioner.

After watching my daughter and grandchildren go through the trials and tribulations of multiple food allergies and sensitivities (as well as my own experimentation with food) I decided to attend the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to lean more about nutrition and how different eating styles play into our individual health. Upon graduation I also attended a Raw Food and Detox retreat at the Graff Academy, where I obtained a certification in raw food preparation and juicing, all which helped to finalize the culmination of all of my prior education to allow my health and vitality to skyrocket. I truly understand the impact that clean allergy free eating provides in everyday life, and that every meal is an opportunity to thrive! In my experience life is certainly about reinventing yourself over and over again while maintaining compassion and a sense of humor, I understand the importance of having a good support system by your side as you go forward, and look forward to working with you in the future!


As a woman with gluten and dairy sensitives, I have struggled with and witnessed many of the symptoms that you may be experiencing. I know that finding credible recommendations can be a challenge. In the last 11 years, I have found solutions for many who struggle with dietary challenges and helped them live healthier lives with less symptoms. I encourage you to let me help you make some changes that work with your lifestyle that can make a big impact on your health. You must be ready to commit to the process. Success is acquired over time and adjustment to your new lifestyle. As you know, Rome wasn't built in a day! 

Together we will:


  • Review your medical history, medications, supplements, and lab work

  • Review your current eating and exercise habits

  • Set goals

  • Review your food and symptom journal

  • Discuss meal and snack ideas

  • Discuss mindful eating practices

  • Replace restrictive food rules with sustainable strategies


I love food, and I’ve always loved to cook. I’m the kind of person who received cookbooks as gifts for my birthday and for Christmas. In the effort of trying to make balanced meals for my family, it has been a habit of mine to make weekly meal plans for many years, and so it is second nature to me. It is not unusual for me to take a cookbook to bed for some light, inspirational reading. 

Even before I became a health coach, I had a lifetime of experience cooking many foods in the Standard American Diet. With my mother’s instructions,  I started standing at the stove by age 8, helping by stirring ground beef in the pan to facilitate the browning process. In my teens, I helped her put together favorite comfort foods, make grilled sandwiches, hearty soups and satisfying breakfasts for a family of seven.  I loved to bake homemade bread, pizza dough and birthday cakes. I became a vegetarian when I was 18, and that “phase” of my life lasted for 7 years, up until my baby turned one. Then, the peer pressure came back hard and fast about how malnourished my child would be without “adequate protein.”  So, I succumbed and ate the Standard American Diet for the next 20-some years.  


Fast forward to 2008, when my daughter and granddaughter were tested and found positive for food allergies. Tackling them was quite daunting at first, but the focus of my inspiration made it very clear: I wanted to be able to eat safe, nourishing foods with my food allergic family. I want to be confident in preparing balanced, hearty, yummy meals that all of us could enjoy.  You can expect a period of adjustment, some trial and error.  It will not be unusual for you to miss and crave your old standby’s.  Be patient with yourself. I have found for myself that eating “safe” vegan foods has some wonderful rewards. You can lose weight, and maintain a stable weight. You may notice anything from decreased headaches or migraines to a loss of rashes or eczema. Others have gone on to lower their cholesterol and get off of their blood pressure medications. 


In 2014 I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Integrative medicine is healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person (body, mind, and spirit), including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and makes use of all appropriate therapies, both conventional and alternative. The idea of integrative or holistic nutrition, however, goes deeper and explores the idea that the proper food and diet can help heal the body physically and emotionally. Some components include the following:


• Food-mood connection: Many studies have examined how specific foods, whole-food supplements, or both can affect depression, irritability, emotional eating, and behavior. Other studies have shown that a diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, and healthful fats can alleviate depression and decrease irritability among the elderly and adolescents compared with a diet high in processed foods and sugar.


• Food cravings and addictions: Identifying food cravings and teaching clients how to respond to them is a significant component of treating the whole person philosophy.  I can help deconstruct the cravings by evaluating the type of food, the timing of the craving, what’s going on in the brain during the craving, the events surrounding the craving, the client’s emotional status, and the release of specific chemicals related to cravings and addictions. In fact, food addictions have become a research focus. Current science shows that a food addiction presents itself in the brain similarly to drug addiction and that we’re “hard wired” to keep reaching for specific foods.


• Diet trends: These can include all the different fad diets that flood the marketplace each year, such as the Paleo diet. I can counsel clients about these trends, understand and explain why they may or may not work, and know-how to effectively relay this information to clients.


• Antioxidants and phytonutrients: While antioxidants play a role in integrative or holistic nutrition, I can help you understand how antioxidants and phytonutrients work at the cellular level and how they relate to gene expression. For example, which antioxidants turn genes on or turn them off, and what effect does this have on the body. Exploring the synergistic effect of multiple food nutrients also fits into this equation.


Adopting a holistic paradigm will expand your options and choices significantly and begins to create greater self-empowerment and understanding. Being restricted to a few options can lead to feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, lack of direction, lack of self –love - all of which contribute to stress and further the conditions for illness (stress is correlated with 90% of illnesses). I have witnessed this throughout my career, and it is fulfilling and rewarding. 

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